This section contains information about victim assistance-related activities implemented by past and present Coordinators on Victim Assistance.
January 2024
Work Plan by Austria and Panama, CCM Coordinators on Victim Assistance, on advancing the implementation of Article 5, guided by Actions 31-37 of the Lausanne Action Plan, up to the 12th Meeting of States Parties (12MSP) to be held in Geneva in September 2024.
November 2021
Concept Note by Chile and Mexico, CCM Coordinators on Victim Assistance, on advancing the implementation of Article 5, guided by Actions 31-37 of the Lausanne Action Plan, up to the 10th Meeting of States Parties (10MSP) to be held in Geneva in August/September 2022.
November 2020
CCM Coordinators on Victim Assistance, Mexico and Spain, established a National Focal Point Database as a platform for States Parties with cluster munition victims to exchange lessons learnt and good practices in the implementation of their Article 5 obligations. The Coordinators presented the database on 26 November 2020 at Part One of the 2RC, which was held virtually.
January 2020
Concept Note by Spain and Mexico, CCM Coordinators on Victim Assistance, on enhancing the implementation of Action 4 of the Dubrovnik Action Plan up to the Second Review Conference(2RC) to be held in November 2020.
November 2018
Concept Note by Ireland and Spain, CCM Coordinators on Victim Assistance, on enhancing the implementation of Action 4 of the Dubrovnik Action Plan up to the 9thMeeting of States Parties (9MSP) to be held in September 2019.
One of the key action points proposed by Ireland and Spain in their 2018-2019 work plan is to further promote the Guidelines on Gender and Diversity-Responsive Victim Assistance in Mine Action produced by the Gender and Mine Action Programme (GMAP) in collaboration with Humanity and Inclusion (HI) which were presented at a side event organized during the Intersessional Meeting of the APMBC in July 2018. The publication was produced thanks to the financial support of the government of Italy.
December 2017
Concept Note by Ireland and Italy, CCM Coordinators on Victim Assistance, on enhancing the implementation of Action 4 of the Dubrovnik Action Plan up to the 8thMeeting of States Parties (8MSP) to be held in September 2018.
September 2017
Italy, CCM Co-coordinator on Victim Assistance held a closed meeting in collaboration with the Gender and Mine Action Programme (GMAP) on Gender perspectives in victim assistance on the sidelines of the CCM 7MSP on 5 September.
June 2017
Italy, CCM Coordinator on Victim Assistance, in cooperation with UNMAS, organized a panel discussion on Victim assistance: Towards an inclusive, comprehensive and sustainable approach in the margins of the APMBC intersessional meeting on 8 June.
November 2016
Concept Note by Italy and Chile, CCM Coordinators on Victim Assistance of the Convention, on enhancing the implementation of Action 4 of the Dubrovnik Action Plan up to the 7th Meeting of States Parties (7MSP) to be held in September 2017.
May 2016
CCM Coordinators on Victim Assistance (Australia and Chile) and the Coordinators on International Cooperation and Assistance (Austria and Iraq), with technical support from Handicap International, held a workshop on an Integrated Approach to Victim Assistance in Geneva on 18 May 2016. For more information.