The future of armed conflict and cluster munitions



Maat for Peace, Development and Human Rights and Global Coalition for Limitation of Armaments



For more than half a century, cluster munitions have destroyed civilian lives and livelihoods. Cluster munitions, which are large weapons that disperse dozens or hundreds of smaller submunitions, pose two major humanitarian problems. The submunitions spread over a broad footprint, and can kill or injure civilians during strikes on populated areas. In addition, many submunitions do not explode on impact and thus can endanger civilians, especially children, for months or years after an attack.

The 2008 Convention on Cluster Munitions bans the use, production, transfer, and stockpiling of these weapons. It exemplifies the newest type of disarmament—humanitarian disarmament—which seeks to protect civilians through its absolute prohibitions, obligations to destroy stockpiles, and requirements to adopt remedial measures on clearance and victim assistance. More than half the world has joined the Convention, which has helped generate a global stigma against cluster munitions. The international community needs to condemn such use, and more states need to join the Convention in the future to ensure the ban’s effectiveness. In addition, states should adopt, as soon as possible, strong laws to implement the treaty at the national level.

So, Maat for Peace, Development and Human Rights and Global Coalition for Limitation of Armaments as a global coalition that includes organizations from Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America, we are organizing this side event to raise awareness of the importance of joint action to achieve the goals of the treaty and to encourage civil society organizations to play a role as an effective mediator to help countries implement the treaty.

Click here for the event flyer.





Meeting ID: 818 6259 7886

Passcode: 511674