Photo by CCM Peru
A requirement to report
In accordance with Article 7 of the Convention on Cluster Munitions, States Parties are obligated to report to the United Nations Secretary-General no later than 180 days after entry into force of the Convention through an initial transparency report and on an annual basis by 30 April each year thereafter. States Parties are required to report on the status of their treaty implementation.
Where to send reports
Initial and annual transparency reports must be sent to the UN Secretary-General, via the Office for Disarmament Affairs at ccm@un.org
The ISU would also appreciate a copy of the submitted report at info@cmconvention.org
Alternatively, reports can also be sent by regular mail or fax:
CCM Secretariat:
Office for Disarmament Affairs
Palais des Nations, room C-119
Avenue de la Paix, 8-14
1211 Geneva 10
Fax: +41 22 917 00 34
Template forms and guide
To facilitate reporting, States Parties are recommended to use the new reporting template, which is available in English , French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Russian.
All initial and annual reports submitted by States are available on the United Nations Office at Geneva (UNOG) page here.
For more information or support, contact the Implementation Support Unit at info@cmconvention.org