Italy announces completion of the stockpile destruction
On 31st October 2015, Italy announced completion of the destruction of its entire stockpile of cluster munitions and related sub munitions in accordance with its obligations as State Party to the Convention on Cluster Munitions.
Fully sharing the guiding principles of the Convention, Italy has accomplished the stockpile destruction process five years ahead of the 1 March 2020 deadline established by Article 3 of the Convention, thus showing a robust commitment and sense of ownership to the implementation of the Convention’s core obligations.
Under Article 3 of the Convention, Italy was required to declare and destroy all stockpiled cluster munitions under its jurisdiction and control as soon as possible.
Italy attaches great importance to the provision of technical, material and financial assistance to States Parties affected by cluster munitions, remaining a fundamental supporter to mine actions, especially in the field of clearance of mines and unexploded ordnance, including cluster munitions remnants, stockpile destruction and victim assistance.
It is particularly devoted to the protection of vulnerable groups such as women, children, elderly and people with disabilities, in conflict and emergency situations.
Since Convention’s entry into force on 1 August 2010 for Italy, it has d pledged about 15 million Euros to mine action programmes worldwide, including assistance provided in 2014 to support activities in Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya and Gaza strip.