Photo by Mathias P.R. Reding, Unsplash
Assisted by the Implementation Support Unit, the Coordination Committee is composed of the President, President-Designate, the outgoing President and all the Coordinators. The Coordinators on General Status and Operation, Universalization, Stockpile Destruction, Clearance and Risk Education, Victim Assistance, and International Cooperation and Assistance are mandated for a duration of two years. The Coordinators on Transparency Measures and National Implementation Measures are, respectively, mandated for a duration of one renewable year.
The Coordinators are nominated and selected at Meetings of States Parties or Review Conferences on the basis of broad-based consultations with an aim to maintain inclusiveness and broad political ownership.
In keeping with past practice, the Coordination Committee may call upon others to assist with its work, as appropriate, and maintain the invitation to the International Committee of the Red Cross, the United Nations and the Cluster Munition Coalition to participate in the Coordination Committee as observers.
The Coordination Committee, under the current Mexican presidency, meets on a monthly basis. Click here to download an easy-to-read brochure on the Coordination Committee.