Photo by Mathias P.R. Reding, Unsplash
Paragraph 7 of the Hosting Agreement of 2014 provides that the Agreement be reviewed by the Meeting of States Parties (MSPs) or the Review Conference of the States Parties every three years. Hence, leading up to the Seventh Meeting of States Parties (7MSP), a review of the Hosting Agreement was made by Coordinators on the General Status and Operation and the following is the report:
Notification Director ISU-CCM (1 April 2015)
Agreement between the States Parties to the CCM and the GICHD on the hosting of the ISU-CCM (2 August 2014)
In 2012 and 2013 States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions have met three times for open-ended consultations on the establishment of an Implementation Support Unit (ISU). Below are relevant documents from each meeting.
Open-ended Informal Consultations 26 June 2013
Invitation letter
Draft decision
Additional documents:
Non-Paper (English version )
Open-ended Informal Consultations 8 February 2013
Invitation letter
Draft agenda
President’s discussion paper on the ISU-CCM
Scale of assessment
Open-ended Informal Consultations 31 August 2012
Invitation letter
Provisional agenda
President’s working paper on the establishment of the ISU-CCM
Open-ended Informal Consultations 29 February 2012
Invitation letter
Draft agenda
President’s non-paper on the ISU-CCM