First 2019 annual transparency reports submitted


The first three Convention on Cluster Munitions 2019 annual reports submitted in accordance with Article 7 of the Convention have already been received – just 3 days into the New Year. Hearty congratulations to the three States Parties that complied with this important obligation. To salute their diligence, they have been awarded medals in of submission with Guinea-Bissau getting Gold, Australia -Silver and Saint Kitts and Nevis – Bronze.

All other CCM States Parties are encouraged to emulate the example given by Guinea-Bissau, Australia and Saint Kitts and Nevis in submitting their 2019 annual transparency reports well before the due date of 30 April. 2020. Under Article 7 of the Convention all States parties are required to report annually to the Secretary-General of the United Nations by 30 April of each year. The report should cover the previous calendar year   (1 January to 31 December) and should be sent to the UN Secretary-General, via the Office for Disarmament Affairs at The ISU would also appreciate a copy of the submitted report sent to

Reporting templates are available in all six UN languages