Photo by Paula Pintos - ArchDaily
The Twelfth Meeting of States Parties (12MSP) is scheduled to take place from 10 to 13 September 2024 in Room XIX at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.
The 12MSP was convened by Note Verbale: English – Français – Español
An invitation letter was also addressed to relevant organizations.
As of January 2024, the Geneva Branch of the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) has introduced e-deleGATE to facilitate and expedite its Secretariat functions. You can access the platform at https://edelegate.un.int/, where the Convention on Cluster Munitions appears under the “Geneva” tab. Account and user management for delegations are handled by the designated access administrators within Permanent Missions accredited to the United Nations Office at Geneva. Delegation members and relevant Permanent Mission staff should contact their access administrator to obtain access to the Convention-related modules.
All States Parties and other States participating as observers are requested to use e-deleGATE to register their delegation members for the 12MSP through the e-List of Participants module. Any changes in the composition of delegations during the Meeting should be updated using the same module. Delegations are also requested to upload their Note Verbales to UNODA via e-deleGATE.
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the Cluster Munitions Coalition (CMC), and the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) are requested to register their delegations on e-deleGATE. To facilitate this, each aforementioned organization is asked to nominate a focal point in Geneva who will be responsible for registering delegation members and managing all information uploaded to e-deleGATE. Kindly share the email address of the nominated focal point with UNODA at ccm@un.org.
The United Nations, other international organizations or institutions, and regional organizations should continue to transmit their Note Verbales to ccm@un.org.
All initial registrations on e-deleGATE should be completed before 10 September 2024. For any questions concerning registration, please contact ccm@un.org.
Please note that all Note Verbales should be addressed to UNODA, which serves as the Secretariat of the Meeting of States Parties. If you encounter any issues accessing the e-deleGATE platform to register your delegation, please email your registration and include a brief description of the issue to UNODA at ccm@un.org, with the ISU copied at info@cmconvention.org.
Please note that all delegates must have a valid United Nations ground pass to enter the Palais des Nations. Participants who already possess a United Nations badge may proceed directly to the meeting room.
Those without a UN ground pass must individually register on the online Indico system here. Participants registering on Indico will need to upload a copy of the participation Note Verbale.
Once a registration on Indico is approved, an automated response will be emailed to the registrant, including a Digital Badge in the form of a PDF. The digital badge can be printed or downloaded onto a mobile device and must be activated at the Pregny Gate on the first day of the meeting. Please present your passport when activating your Digital Badge.
The Pregny Gate is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on weekdays only. Please arrive well in advance to allow enough time for badge activation and security checks.
CCM/MSP/2010/3 – Rules of procedure
CCM/MSP/2024/1 – Provisional agenda
CCM/MSP/2024/2/Rev.1 – Provisional annotated programme of work
CCM/MSP/2024/3 – Implementation Support Unit 2025 work plan and budget
CCM/MSP/2024/4 – Analysis of the Article 4 extension request submitted by Chad
CCM/MSP/2024/5 – Analysis of the Article 4 extension request submitted by Germany
CCM/MSP/2024/6 – Analysis of the Article 4 extension request submitted by Lao PDR
CCM/MSP/2024/7 – 12MSP Progress Report monitoring progress in implementing the LAP
CCM/MSP/2024/X – Implementation Support Unit 2023 annual report
CCM/MSP/2024/WP.1 – Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE) in the CCM
CCM/MSP/2024/WP.2 –Taking stock of gender, diversity and inclusion in the Convention on Cluster Munitions: A mid-point review of the implementation of the Lausanne Action Plan
CCM/MSP/2024/MISC.1 – Upholding and Strengthening the Norms of International Humanitarian Law that Protect Humanity in Times of Adversity
For States Parties, Signatories, States not Parties, and interested Non-Governmental and International Organizations wishing to make a statement or intervention during the 12MSP, please send the statement to speeches@un.org and to info@cmconvention.org for inclusion on the speaker list.
Side events will be held in the margins of the 12MSP. Click here for the side event schedule.
Click here to access the UNODA web page for the 12MSP.